There are others associated with online or virtual training programsWhen distance learning programs are hosted on virtual campuses, the coordinator also plays an important role in standardizing the presentation of the contents of each subject to the students. This work is very important to facilitate the student a quick navigation through the different contents and resources available in each course. The coordinator must also ensure the correct periodic back-up of the online platform in order to restore it from the last backup in the event of a crash in the learning management system, known as LMS (Learning Management System) or virtual campus.
The progressive use of live videoconferences requires that the coordinator make sure not to exceed the number of simultaneous participants allowed by the platform and carry out the pertinent technical tests before it starts. In videoconferences whatsapp mobile number list or webinars with numerous attendees, it is convenient for someone to help the teacher by organizing the debates and managing and processing the surveys and evaluations that they want to establish with the students.

As we have tried to explain in this article, as important as designing training and development programs aligned with the organization's strategy is sparing no resources in the tactical aspects associated with the delivery of the program. In fact, there are cases in which a course, which on recent previous occasions had turned out to be excellent, ended up being a failure due to not paying attention to certain logistical aspects.