- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using UnityEngine;
- public class MouseSlice : MonoBehaviour {
- public GameObject plane;
- public Transform ObjectContainer;
- // How far away from the slice do we separate resulting objects
- public float separation;
- // Do we draw a plane object associated with the slice
- private Plane slicePlane = new Plane();
- public bool drawPlane;
- // Reference to the line renderer
- public ScreenLineRenderer lineRenderer;
- private MeshCutter meshCutter;
- private TempMesh biggerMesh, smallerMesh;
- #region Utility Functions
- void DrawPlane(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Vector3 normalVec)
- {
- Quaternion rotate = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, normalVec);
- plane.transform.localRotation = rotate;
- plane.transform.position = (end + start) / 2;
- plane.SetActive(true);
- }
- #endregion
- // Use this for initialization
- void Start () {
- // Initialize a somewhat big array so that it doesn't resize
- meshCutter = new MeshCutter(256);
- }
- private void OnEnable()
- {
- lineRenderer.OnLineDrawn += OnLineDrawn;
- }
- private void OnDisable()
- {
- lineRenderer.OnLineDrawn -= OnLineDrawn;
- }
- private void OnLineDrawn(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Vector3 depth)
- {
- var planeTangent = (end - start).normalized;
- // if we didn't drag, we set tangent to be on x
- if (planeTangent == Vector3.zero)
- planeTangent = Vector3.right;
- var normalVec = Vector3.Cross(depth, planeTangent);
- if (drawPlane) DrawPlane(start, end, normalVec);
- SliceObjects(start, normalVec);
- }
- void SliceObjects(Vector3 point, Vector3 normal)
- {
- var toSlice = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Sliceable");
- // Put results in positive and negative array so that we separate all meshes if there was a cut made
- List<Transform> positive = new List<Transform>(),
- negative = new List<Transform>();
- GameObject obj;
- bool slicedAny = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < toSlice.Length; ++i)
- {
- obj = toSlice[i];
- // We multiply by the inverse transpose of the worldToLocal Matrix, a.k.a the transpose of the localToWorld Matrix
- // Since this is how normal are transformed
- var transformedNormal = ((Vector3)(obj.transform.localToWorldMatrix.transpose * normal)).normalized;
- //Convert plane in object's local frame
- slicePlane.SetNormalAndPosition(
- transformedNormal,
- obj.transform.InverseTransformPoint(point));
- slicedAny = SliceObject(ref slicePlane, obj, positive, negative) || slicedAny;
- }
- // Separate meshes if a slice was made
- if (slicedAny)
- SeparateMeshes(positive, negative, normal);
- }
- bool SliceObject(ref Plane slicePlane, GameObject obj, List<Transform> positiveObjects, List<Transform> negativeObjects)
- {
- var mesh = obj.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
- if (!meshCutter.SliceMesh(mesh, ref slicePlane))
- {
- // Put object in the respective list
- if (slicePlane.GetDistanceToPoint(meshCutter.GetFirstVertex()) >= 0)
- positiveObjects.Add(obj.transform);
- else
- negativeObjects.Add(obj.transform);
- return false;
- }
- // TODO: Update center of mass
- // Silly condition that labels which mesh is bigger to keep the bigger mesh in the original gameobject
- bool posBigger = meshCutter.PositiveMesh.surfacearea > meshCutter.NegativeMesh.surfacearea;
- if (posBigger)
- {
- biggerMesh = meshCutter.PositiveMesh;
- smallerMesh = meshCutter.NegativeMesh;
- }
- else
- {
- biggerMesh = meshCutter.NegativeMesh;
- smallerMesh = meshCutter.PositiveMesh;
- }
- // Create new Sliced object with the other mesh
- GameObject newObject = Instantiate(obj, ObjectContainer);
- newObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(obj.transform.position, obj.transform.rotation);
- var newObjMesh = newObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh;
- // Put the bigger mesh in the original object
- // TODO: Enable collider generation (either the exact mesh or compute smallest enclosing sphere)
- ReplaceMesh(mesh, biggerMesh);
- ReplaceMesh(newObjMesh, smallerMesh);
- (posBigger ? positiveObjects : negativeObjects).Add(obj.transform);
- (posBigger ? negativeObjects : positiveObjects).Add(newObject.transform);
- return true;
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Replace the mesh with tempMesh.
- /// </summary>
- void ReplaceMesh(Mesh mesh, TempMesh tempMesh, MeshCollider collider = null)
- {
- mesh.Clear();
- mesh.SetVertices(tempMesh.vertices);
- mesh.SetTriangles(tempMesh.triangles, 0);
- mesh.SetNormals(tempMesh.normals);
- mesh.SetUVs(0, tempMesh.uvs);
- //mesh.RecalculateNormals();
- mesh.RecalculateTangents();
- if (collider != null && collider.enabled)
- {
- collider.sharedMesh = mesh;
- collider.convex = true;
- }
- }
- void SeparateMeshes(Transform posTransform, Transform negTransform, Vector3 localPlaneNormal)
- {
- // Bring back normal in world space
- Vector3 worldNormal = ((Vector3)(posTransform.worldToLocalMatrix.transpose * localPlaneNormal)).normalized;
- Vector3 separationVec = worldNormal * separation;
- // Transform direction in world coordinates
- posTransform.position += separationVec;
- negTransform.position -= separationVec;
- }
- void SeparateMeshes(List<Transform> positives, List<Transform> negatives, Vector3 worldPlaneNormal)
- {
- int i;
- var separationVector = worldPlaneNormal * separation;
- for(i = 0; i <positives.Count; ++i)
- positives[i].transform.position += separationVector;
- for (i = 0; i < negatives.Count; ++i)
- negatives[i].transform.position -= separationVector;
- }
- }