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发表于 2021-2-2 16:04:12
1. HeightMaps高度图用于说明地形高程的差异。高度图是值的矩阵,每个值代表我们应用程序中顶点网格中顶点的单个高度。
生成RAW文件要生成RAW文件,可以使用Adobe Photoshop和Corel PaintShop来简单地绘制高度图。Terragen,Byrce和Dark Tree允许您以程序方式创建高度图。双击“ Mesh.h”,该文件中应该已经有一个骨架结构,并且方法原型已经就位,包括getter / setter方法和一个复制构造函数。
2.加载RAW文件因为RAW文件只不过是一个连续的字节块(每个字节都是一个高度图条目),我们可以通过一个std :: ifstream :: read调用轻松地读取内存块,就像在下一个方法中所做的一样。 :
void Terrain:oadHeightmap() { // A height for each vertex std::vector<unsigned char> in( mInfo.HeightmapWidth * mInfo.HeightmapHeight); // Open the file. std::ifstream inFile; inFile.open(mInfo.HeightMapFilename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary); if(inFile) { // Read the RAW bytes. inFile.read((char*)&in[0], (std::streamsize)in.size()); // Done with file. inFile.close(); } // Copy the array data into a float array and scale it. mHeightmap.resize(mInfo.HeightmapHeight * mInfo.HeightmapWidth, 0); for(UINT i = 0; i < mInfo.HeightmapHeight * mInfo.HeightmapWidth; ++i) { mHeightmap = (in / 255.0f)*mInfo.HeightScale; }}
struct InitInfo { // Filename of RAW heightmap data. std::wstring HeightMapFilename; // Texture filenames used for texturing the terrain. std::wstring LayerMapFilename0; std::wstring LayerMapFilename1; std::wstring LayerMapFilename2; std::wstring LayerMapFilename3; std::wstring LayerMapFilename4; std::wstring BlendMapFilename; // Scale to apply to heights after they have been // loaded from the heightmap. float HeightScale; // Dimensions of the heightmap. UINT HeightmapWidth; UINT HeightmapHeight; // The cell spacing along the x- and z-axes float CellSpacing; };
bool Terrain::InBounds(int i, int j) { // True if ij are valid indices; false otherwise. return i >= 0 && i < (int)mInfo.HeightmapHeight && j >= 0 && j < (int)mInfo.HeightmapWidth; } float Terrain::Average(int i, int j) { // Function computes the average height of the ij element. // It averages itself with its eight neighbor pixels. Note // that if a pixel is missing neighbor, we just don't include it // in the average--that is, edge pixels don't have a neighbor pixel. // ---------- // | 1| 2| 3| // ---------- // |4 |ij| 6| // ---------- // | 7| 8| 9| // ---------- float avg = 0.0f; float num = 0.0f; // Use int to allow negatives. If we use UINT, @ i=0, m=i-1=UINT_MAX // and no iterations of the outer for loop occur. for(int m = i-1; m <= i+1; ++m) { for(int n = j-1; n <= j+1; ++n) { if(InBounds(m,n)) { avg += mHeightmap[m*mInfo.HeightmapWidth + n]; num += 1.0f; } } } return avg / num;}
Texture2D gHeightMap; SamplerState samHeightmap { Filter = MIN_MAG_LINEAR_MIP_POINT; AddressU = CLAMP; AddressV = CLAMP; }; struct VertexIn { float3 PosL : POSITION; float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0; float2 BoundsY : TEXCOORD1; }; struct VertexOut { float3 PosW : POSITION; float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0; float2 BoundsY : TEXCOORD1; }; VertexOut VS(VertexIn vin) { VertexOut vout; // Terrain specified directly in world space. vout.PosW = vin.PosL; // Displace the patch corners to world space. This is to make // the eye to patch distance calculation more accurate. vout.PosW.y = gHeightMap.SampleLevel(samHeightmap, vin.Tex, 0).r; // Output vertex attributes to next stage. vout.Tex = vin.Tex; vout.BoundsY = vin.BoundsY; return vout;}
struct DomainOut { float4 PosH : SV_POSITION; float3 PosW : POSITION; float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0; float2 TiledTex : TEXCOORD1; }; // How much to tile the texture layers. float2 gTexScale = 50.0f; [domain("quad")] DomainOut DS(PatchTess patchTess, float2 uv : SV_DomainLocation, const OutputPatch<HullOut, 4> quad) { DomainOut dout; // Bilinear interpolation. dout.PosW = lerp( lerp(quad[0].PosW, quad[1].PosW, uv.x), lerp(quad[2].PosW, quad[3].PosW, uv.x), uv.y ); dout.Tex = lerp( lerp(quad[0].Tex, quad[1].Tex, uv.x), lerp(quad[2].Tex, quad[3].Tex, uv.x), uv.y ); // Tile layer textures over terrain. dout.TiledTex = dout.Tex*gTexScale; // Displacement mapping dout.PosW.y = gHeightMap.SampleLevel(samHeightmap, dout.Tex, 0).r; // NOTE: We tried computing the normal in the domain shader // using finite difference, but the vertices move continuously // with fractional_even which creates noticable light shimmering // artifacts as the normal changes. Therefore, we moved the // calculation to the pixel shader. // Project to homogeneous clip space. dout.PosH = mul(float4(dout.PosW, 1.0f), gViewProj); return dout;}
// Sample layers in texture array. float4 c0 = gLayerMapArray.Sample(samLinear, float3(pin.TiledTex, 0.0f)); float4 c1 = gLayerMapArray.Sample(samLinear, float3(pin.TiledTex, 1.0f)); float4 c2 = gLayerMapArray.Sample(samLinear, float3(pin.TiledTex, 2.0f)); float4 c3 = gLayerMapArray.Sample(samLinear, float3(pin.TiledTex, 3.0f)); float4 c4 = gLayerMapArray.Sample(samLinear, float3(pin.TiledTex, 4.0f));// Sample the blend map. float4 t = gBlendMap.Sample(samLinear, pin.Tex); // Blend the layers on top of each other. float4 texColor = c0; texColor = lerp(texColor, c1, t.r); texColor = lerp(texColor, c2, t.g); texColor = lerp(texColor, c3, t.b); texColor = lerp(texColor, c4, t.a);
7.地形高度(数学y)一个常见的任务是在给定x和z坐标的情况下获取地形表面的高度。这对于将对象放置在地形表面上或将摄像机稍微放在地形表面上以模拟玩家在地形上行走非常有用。高度图为我们提供了网格点处的地形顶点的高度。但是,我们需要顶点之间的地形高度。因此,我们必须进行插值以形成一个连续的表面y = h(x,z),该表面表示给定离散高度图采样的地形。由于地形是由三角形网格近似的,因此使用线性插值是有意义的,以便我们的高度函数与基础地形网格的几何形状一致。
// Transform from terrain local space to "cell" space. float c = (x + 0.5f*width()) / mInfo.CellSpacing; float d = (z - 0.5f*depth()) / -mInfo.CellSpacing; // Get the row and column we are in. int row = (int)floorf(d); int col = (int)floorf(c);
// Grab the heights of the cell we are in. // A*--*B // | /| // |/ | // C*--*D float A = mHeightmap[row*mInfo.HeightmapWidth + col];float B = mHeightmap[row*mInfo.HeightmapWidth + col + 1]; float C = mHeightmap[(row+1)*mInfo.HeightmapWidth + col]; float D = mHeightmap[(row+1)*mInfo.HeightmapWidth + col + 1];
float s = c - (float)col; float t = d - (float)row;
然后,如果s + t = 1,我们在上三角形ABC中,否则我们在下三角形DCB中。现在我们解释如果我们在上三角形中,如何找到高度。下三角形的过程与此类似,当然,后面两个代码都将很快出现。为了找到高度(如果我们在上三角形中),我们首先在三角形的边上构造两个向量u =(x,B-A,0)和v =(0,C-A,-z)终端点Q。
Q + su + tv点的y坐标基于给定的x和z坐标给出高度。
因此,Terrain :: GetHeight()代码的结论是:
// If upper triangle ABC. if(s + t <= 1.0f) { float uy = B - A; float vy = C - A; return A + s*uy + t*vy; } else // lower triangle DCB. { float uy = C - D; float vy = B - D; return D + (1.0f-s)*uy + (1.0f-t)*vy; }
void TerrainApp::UpdateScene(float dt) { // // Control the camera. // if(GetAsyncKeyState('W') & 0x8000) mCam.Walk(10.0f*dt); if(GetAsyncKeyState('S') & 0x8000) mCam.Walk(-10.0f*dt); if(GetAsyncKeyState('A') & 0x8000) mCam.Strafe(-10.0f*dt); if(GetAsyncKeyState('D') & 0x8000) mCam.Strafe(10.0f*dt); // // Walk/fly mode // if(GetAsyncKeyState('2') & 0x8000) mWalkCamMode = true; if(GetAsyncKeyState('3') & 0x8000) mWalkCamMode = false; // // Clamp camera to terrain surface in walk mode. // if(mWalkCamMode) { XMFLOAT3 camPos = mCam.GetPosition(); float y = mTerrain.GetHeight(camPos.x, camPos.z); mCam.SetPosition(camPos.x, y + 2.0f, camPos.z); } mCam.UpdateViewMatrix();}
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