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Adam and Eve Story









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Adam... Eve

The History of Cataclysms


Chan Thomas

Bengal Tiger Press





Adam ..Eve

First Edition

All Rights Reserved
Including the Right of Reproduction
In Whole or In Part In Any Form.

Copyright © 1993 by Chan Thomas.

Published by Bengal Tiger Press
Drawer 1212
South Chatham, MA 02659
Printed in The U.S.A.

ISBN-1-884600-01-8 (PB)
ISBN-1-884600-02-6 (HC)

Dear Wife
Without her help and faith
Through the years of sleepless nights
And seemingly endless trails of study,
Research, translation, and travel
This book

Never would have come into being.

General Hal Grant
and his wonderful family,
to General LeMay and Admiral Taylor,
to the Joint Staff of that rime,
for their inspiring encouragement

without which

this book might not exist.


all of those
who ridiculed, scorned and laughed
relegating me to the nuthousc
and even firing me.
For how else would I have been so driven

to pursue, solve, find and derive

the truth. T owe them.


The Next Cataclysm

The Great Floods

The Story

The Event


Cataclysms Revisited


The Author





With a rumble so low as to be inaudible, growing,
throbbing, then fuming into a thundering roar, the
carthquake starts.....only it's not like any carthquake
in recorded history.

In California the mountains shake like ferns in a
breeze; the mighty Pacific rears back and piles up into
2 mountain of seawater more than two miles high....
then starts its race eastward.

With the force of a thousand armies the wind
attacks, ripping, shredding everything inits supersonic
bombardment. The unbelievable mountain of Pacific
seawater follows the wind eastward, burying Los Angeles
and San Francisco as if they were but grains of sand.

Nothing - but nothing - stops the relentless,
overwhelming onslaught of wind and ocean.

Across the continent the thousand mile-per-hour
wind wreaks its hell, its unholy vengeance, everywhere,
mercilessly, unccasingly. Every living thing is ripped
into shreds while being blown across the countryside;
and earthquakes leave no place untouched. In many
places the carth's molten sublayer breaks through and
spreads a sea of white-hot liquid fire to add to the
holocaust. Within three hours the fantastic wall of
seawater moves across the continent, burying the wind-
ravaged land under two miles of seething water coast-

In a fraction of a day all vestiges of civilization are
gone, and the great cities - Los Angeles, San Francisco,
Chicago, Dallas, New York, Boston - are nothing but
legends. Barely a stonc is left where millions walked
just a few hours before.

A few lucky ones who manage to find shelter from
the screaming wind on the lee side of a high mountain
peak - such as Mt. Massive - watch the sea of molten
fire breaking through the quaking valleys below. The
raging waters follow at supersonic speeds, piling higher
and higher, steaming over the molten carch-fire, and
rising almost to their feet. Only great, high mountains
such as this one can withstand the cataclysmic onslaught.

North America is not alone in her death throes.
Central America suffers the same cannonade - wind,
earth-fire, and inundation.

South America finds the Andes not high enough
to stop the cataclysmic violence pounded out by nature
in her berserk rage. In less than a day, Ecuador, Peru,
and western Brazil are shaken madly by the devastating
earthquake; the Andes are piled higher and higher by
the Pacific's supersonic onslaught as it surges over
itself against the mountains. The entire continent is
burned by molten earth-fire, buried under cubic miles
of catastrophically violent seas, then turned into a
frozen hell. Everything freezes. Man, beast, plant, and
mud are all rock-hard in less than four hours.


Europe cannot escape the onslaught. The raging
Atlantic piles higher and higher on itself, following the
screeching wind eastward. The Alps, Pyrenees, Urals,
and Scandinavian mountains are shaken, then heaved
even higher when the wall of seawater strikes.

Western Africa and the sands of the Sahara vanish
In nature's wrath, under savage attack by wind and
ocean. The arca bounded by Zaire, South Africa, and
Kenya suffers only severe earthquakes and winds -
little inundation. Survivors there marvel ar the Sun,
standing still in the sky for nearly half a day.

Eastern Siberia and the Orient suffer a strange
fate indeed - as though a giant subterranean scythe
sweeps away the earth's foundations, accompanied by
the wind in its screaming symphony of supersonic
death and destruction. As the Arctic basin leaves its
polar home, castern Siberia, Manchuria, China and
Burma are subjected to the same annihilation as South
America: wind, earth-fire, inundation, and freezing.
Jungle animals are shredded to ribbons by the wind,
piled into mountains of flesh and bone, and buried
under avalanches of homogenized seawater and mud.
Then comes the sudden, seemingly infinite supply of
terrible, instantly paralyzing temperature drop of 180
degrees F. Not man, beast, plant, muck, earth, nor
water is left unfrozen in the entire eastern Asian
continent, most of which remains below sea level.

Antarctica and Greenland, with their ice caps,
now rotate around the earth in the Torrid Zone; and
the fury of wind and inundation marches on for six
days. During the sixth day the oceans start to settle in
their new homes, running off the high grounds.

On the seventh day the horrendous rampage is
over. The Arctic Ice Age is ended - and a new stone age
begins. The oceans - the great homogenizers - have laid
down another deep layer of mud over the existing strata
in the great plains, as exposed in the Grand Canyon,
Painted Desert, Monument Valley, and the Badlands.

The Bay of Bengal basin, just east of India, is now
at the North Pole. The Pacific Ocean, just west of Peru,
is at the South Pole. Greenland and Antarctica, now
rotating equatorially, find their ice caps dissolving
madly in the tropical heat. Massive walls of water and
ice surge toward the oceans, taking everything - from
mountains to plains - in gushing, heaving paths, while
creating immense seasonal moraines. In less than
twenty-five years the ice caps are gone, and the oceans
around the world rise over two hundred feet with the
new-found water. The Torrid Zone will be shrouded in
a fog for generations from the enormous amounts of
moisture poured into the atmosphere by the melting
ice caps.

New ice caps begin to form in the new polar areas.


Greenland and Antarctica emerge with verdant, tropical
foliage. Australia is the new, unexplored continent in
the North Temperate Zone, with only a few handfuls
of survivors populating its vastness. New York lies at
the bottom of the Atlantic, shattered, melted by earth-
fire, and covered by unbelievable amounts of mud. Of
San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Dallas and Boston,
not a trace is left. They all will join the legends of the
seven cities of Cibola.

What's left of Egypt emerges from its Mediter-
rancan inundation new and higher - still the land of the
ages. The commonplace of our time becomes the mys-
terious Baalbek of the new era.

A new era! Yes, the cataclysm has done its work
well. The greatest population regulator of all does once
more for man what he refuses to do for himself and the
planct on which he lives, and drives the pitiful few who
survive into a new stone age.

After this cataclysm we join Noah, Adam and Eve,
Atlantis, Mu, and Olympus - and Jesus joins Osiris,
Ta'aroa, Zeus, and Vishnu.


Noah? Adam and Eve? Vishnu? Osiris? What do

they have in common? They represent eras ages apart
and yet, somehow, they all join hands in the next
vataclysm, and walk with us.

There are others who walk with us, too: men of
wience - long forgotten - those who first saw that
hese tumbles, these cataclysmic catastrophes, or
“tevolutions” of the earth's shell have happened before,
countless times. J. Andre DeLuc in 1779 and Georges
Cuvier in 1812 were the foremost. Dolomieu, the
famous mineralogist, joined the consensus, as did Escher
and Forel, the Swiss geologists; also J. Andre DeLuc Jr.
and Von Buch. They all agreed that the caraclysms
were caused by sudden revolutions in the wrong
direction by the surface of the earth.

Cuvier, in his Theory of the Earth, first published
in 1812, based his conclusions on his unparalleled
correlative research in stratigraphy, comparative
anatomy, and palacontology. As a matter of fact, Cuvier
was the founder of the science of comparative anatomy,
based on his pioneering, self-taught work in that field.
At that time he wrote: "Every part of the earth, every
hemisphere, every continent, exhibits the same
phenomenon... There has, therefore, been a
succession of variations in the economy of organic
nature. ...... the various catastrophes which have
disturbed the strata........ have given rise to numerous


shiftings of this (continental) basin....It is of much
importance to mark, that these repeated irruptions and
retreats of the sea have neither been slow nor gradual;
on the contrary, most of the catastrophies which
occasioned them have been sudden; and thisis especially
easy to be proved, with regard to the last of these
catastrophes....I agree, therefore, with - MM. DeLuc
and Dolomicu, in thinking, that ifanything in geology
be established, it is, that the surface of our globe has
undergone a great and sudden revolution, the date of
which ....cannot be....much carlier than five or six
thousand years ago....(also), one preceding revolution
at least had put (the continents) under water....perhaps
two or three irruptions of the sea.”

"These alternations now appear to me to form the
problem in geology that it is of most importance to
solve....in order to solve it satisfactorily, it would be
necessary to discover the cause of these events.... These
ideas have haunted, I may almost say have tormented
me, during my researches among fossil bones......
researches which embrace but a very small part of those
phenomena of the age preceding the last general
revolution of the globe, and which are yet intimately
connected with all the others..."

Many attempts have been made to answer the
charge made to the geological profession by Cuvier to
explain these sudden revolutions in the wrong direction.


Among others, Velikovsky tried it through his studies
wl myths and legends; Hapgood tried it; Hugh Brown
attempted, and in the process amassed a tremendous
lihiary of geological data.

livery time the cataclysmic concept has risen, the
“lienst" has been stoned, burned at the stake, beaten to
4 pulp, and buried with a vengeance; but the corpse
won't stay dead. Each time, it raises the lid of its coffin
andl says in sepulchral tones: "You will die before I."

The latest of the challengers is Prof. Frank C.
Ilibben, who in his book, The Lost Americans™, said:
"This was no ordinary cxtinction of a vague
geological period which fizzled to an uncertain end.
I'his death was catastrophic and all inclusive.... What
caused the death of forty million animals... The "corpus
delicei” in this mystery may be found almost anywhere.

Their bones lie bleaching in the sands of Florida and
in the gravels of New Jersey. They weather out of the
diy terraces of Texas and protrude from the sticky ooze
ol the tar pits off Wilshire Boulevard in Los Angeles...
I'he bodies of the victims are everywhere... We find
literally thousands together....young and old, foal with
dam, calf with cow.....The muck pits of Alaska are
filled with evidence of universal death....a picture of
(quick extinction....Anyargumentas to the cause....must
apply to North America, Siberia, and Europe as well.

'homas Y. Crowell Co., New York, Apollo Edition, 1961


"....Mammoth and bison were torn and twisted as
though by a cosmic hand in a godly rage.

"...In many places the Alaskan muck blanket is
packed with animal bones and debris in trainload
lots...mammoth, mastodon,....bison, horses, wolves,
bears, and lions....A faunal population....in the middle
of some cataclysmic catastrophe....was suddenly
frozen....in a grim charade.”

Supernatural winds; volcanic burning; inundation
and burial in muck; preservation by deep-freeze of
both torn-up animalsand muck. "Any good solution to

a consuming mystery must answer «// of the faces,”
challenges Hibben.

The challenge wouldn't leave me alone. Like a
hunger, it gnawed at my subconscious. I could hear the
deep tones of Cuvier's challenge, "find the cause of
these events,” still reverberating through the sacred
halls of science, ghostly, unanswered. 1 felt Hibben 's
challenge, prodding: "....answer @/ of the facts."

I decided that this cataclysmic concept, this
catastrophic end which visits our planet time after
time, needed verification or refutation once and forall.

The first step was to gather all of the known,
accepted data from as many sciences pertaining to our
planet as possible: stratigraphy, archacology, radiology,


ahithiopology, palaeontology, and occanography, plus
tuwmalogy and astronomy - and seismology and
tevanopgraphy - and palacolanguages such as prehistoric
Mayan. Even evolution could not be ignored. Further,
tion correlation of the data between the sciences had
ti he honored. All of the foregoing gave the answer:
although there is enough data in most sciences to
idicate that these caraclysms happen, there was not
enough in each science to derive the process or prove
the concept; but between-science cross-correlation
showed indeed that the concept was true. Not only did
It verify chat the events have happened, but disclosed
when the last five cataclysms were, and what positions
the shell of the Earth has been in for the last 35,000 or
are years. This was a first-time effort for certain,

So, after years of research, beginning in 1949,
Cuvier's challenge had an answer: Yes, indeed,
vataclysms do happen; but T had not yet found the
answer to his challenge, find the cause of these events. It
would take me twenty more years to find the cause, the
trigger of cataclysms. What makes them stare? And
further, exactly what is it that happens after it starts?
What is the process of a cataclysm? Finally, what is the
timetable of cataclysms? It was obvious already from
the data that it was non-linear. Was it a mathematical
function that we could derive from the data? Or is jt
random and frustrating in its unpredictability? The
more learned, the more to be discovered and learned.


Meanwhile, what a chase! And what a dramaric
story of the Earth's history we uncovered: Civilizations
of morc than 20,000 years ago more advanced than our
wildest imagination; prehistoric legends from Greece,
Egypt, India, and South America which became history
instead of legend; lost continents in the Atlantic and
Pacific which became dated realities, with logical
reasons for their sudden disappcarance.

Yes, Vishnu came alive: a man who lived through
a cataclysm many thousands of years ago - actually ten
cataclysms ago! Now he is known as the Hindu god
of ten resurrections from the waters. Osiris was
rediscovered; he was the Jesus of his time - a man of
Egypt, some 15,000 years ago. Noah smiled at us from
the pages of The Epic of Gilgamesh; he actually was a
Sumerian named Utnapishtim, who lived just around
7,000 ycars ago. The ark he built is more than legend.

The process of a cataclysm is known now.

Look at the cross-section of the Earth inside the
front cover. You'll see two molten layers - the yellow
ones. The important one is the thin molten layer
starting 60 miles down, extending 60 miles deeper to
120 miles below the surface of the Earth. The thick,
deep molten layer, starting 1,800 miles down at the
bottom of the mantle, and extending 1,300 miles
deeper, is the outer core. Seismology has proven these
two yellow layers to be molten, and they arc white-bot.
Over 2500 degrees Fahrenheit.


Ihe outer, 60-mile thick layer is the one which supplies
the volcanoes with the molten lava they spew forth.

Inside the Earth, the electrical and magnetic
sttncture of the interior makes these layers act as if they
were near solid, or plastic. As long as the interior
imupnetic and electrical scructure of the Earth maintains
itk urderliness, this old Earth keeps on rotating on its
dein in a normal manner.

If anyone doubts that Antarctica's ice cap is
jtuwing, it has been proven that it is growing at the
tate of a Lake Ontario per year. So is Greenland
growing. Since they are not centered on the Earth's axis
ul rotation, they develop centrifugal forces coupling
with cach other, in a direction perpendicular to the
Faith's axis. It's like swinging a bucket of water around
yourself on a rope. The water stays in the bucket; if you
ilidd not have the restraining rope, the bucket and water
would fly away. In the case of the ice caps, the restraining
tupe is gravity, which keeps these two ice caps
landlocked. Since these ice caps therefore cannot fly
away, they resolve their problem by trying to pull the
entire shell of the Earth above the 60-mile thick molten
layer around the interior of the Earth. As long as the
electrical and magnetic structure is maintained inside
the Earch, the ice caps cannot pull the shell around to
let them to go to the equator, and we maintain our
orderly, daily, monthly, yearly rotation.


Right now we don't known why, every few
thousand years on a varying timetable, the magnetic
and electrical orderliness in the shallow molten layer is
disorganized. Further, it is not known by what means
it is disrupted. It has to be a way which lowers thie
energies to the extent that the shallow molten layer i
allowed to act as a free liquid, letting the molten Layer
act as a molten liquid which then serves as a lubricant
for the ice caps to pull the shell around the Earth's
Interior so as to have the ice caps shift about 90 degrees
into the Torrid Zone.

In one quarter to one half a day, the geographic
poles move to the Torrid Zone, and all hell lets loose.
1 he atmosphere and the Earth's occans and lakes don't
shift with the shell - they just keep on rotating west to
east - and at the equator that speed is about 1,037 miles
per hour. It has to be, normally, to make one revolution
per day. So, while the shell shifts with the poles going
to the equator, the winds and oceans continue castward
blowing and flooding across the carth at Sipersomic
speeds, inundating continents with water miles deep,
destroying everything with which man ever dealt
including himself. That's a summary of the process.

Now whatabout the #rigger? This turned out to be
the most elusive piece of the whole puzzle. We couldn't
rely on some supernatural assumption - like sometime
happenings in the heavens of a vague character which
actually violated the laws of nature; no, it had to be


something natural, a part of nature's ordinary structure,

whith disrupts the Earth's inner clectrical and magnetic
sii tire whenever a cataclysm happens. It also has to
lw o kind of happening which decreases the inner
dlicirical and magnetic forces to the extent that they
cannot support keeping the shallow molten layer acting
as il it were plastic, or near solid.

We once thought that severe Sun spots could be
ihe cause, because they do disrupt the Earth's inner
¢lec trical and magnetic structure, but we were wrong,

The time wasted on that assumption was the price
fii dealing in assumptions rather than facts. [t was a
hud detour to take. What was necessary was to be
futient, to take more time; to assemble morc facts; and
wae our most valuable tool, analytical reasoning. The
wilution, whatever it might be, would come.

The derivation of the process gave us a greater
understanding of prehistoric events. For instance, you
(an sce that ice ages are not a matter of advancing and
ietreating ice; it's simply thac different arcas of the
lurch are in polar regions at different times, for different
durations of time; changes between positions take
place in a fraction of a day, and the accompanying
supersonic deluges deposit the various huge stratas we
find in the walls of the Grand Canyon, Painted Desert,
Monument Valley, the mountains around Mexican
[1at, Canyon de Chelly, and the Moqui Dugway.


The story around the world gives silent testimony:

- The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with
buttercups in his mouth;

- The age of the gorges below Niagara Falls and St.
Anthony's Falls, both about 7,000 years;

- The sudden end of the Laurentian Basin ice cap in
Canada, about 11,500 years ago;

~ The uninterrupted evolution on the Galapagos,
over 11,000 years;

- The geological datings in the Murrumbidgee
River basin system in Australia, showing the end of an
ice cap there about 11,500 years ago;

- The age of fossil bones taken from the Wilshire
Boulevard tar pits, over 11,000 years;

- The sudden end of all work in the prehistoric city
of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, 11,500 ycars ago;

- Leonard Woolley's great work in the Holy Land,
dating Noah's flood at about 6,000 years ago;

- The end of the Wisconsin ice cap, about 29,000
years ago;

= The sudden 200-foot rise of the oceans all over
the world, about 7,000 years ago;



I'he sudden rise of the St. Lawrence River bed
S000 years ago;

I'he changing levels of the shoreline of the Hudson
Hay in Canada;

I'he huge granite blocks from the Alps, sitting on
ihe eastern slopes of the Jura mountains at 4,000 feet

whove sea level;

The great legendarian Fraser's uncovering of over
i,000 verified separate inundation survival legends in
ihe Malay Peninsula region;

The Pejark Marsh in Australia, which shows a
(quick extinction of many, many species, including
liiimans, 11,500 years ago;

The Piri Reis map, showing the North Pole in

The Egyptian water-clock, showing agreement
with the Piri Reis map;

Granite on top of the mountains around Death

Valley in California;

The great stratifications of the Grand Canyon,
Painted Desert, Monument Valley, and Badlands, each
layer homogenous, showing it to be deposited there
suddenly by fantastic amounts of superswift water;


- The present growth of the Antarctic ice cap,
approximately 293 cubic miles of icc per year;

- The legends from primitive man in Tierra del
Fuego at the southern tip of South America of the
day the Sun set in the wrong direction;

= The legends from primitive man in Peru of the
day the Sun stood still;

- The legends from Malayan and Sumatran tribal
aborigines of the long nighg;

- The varve (carth strata) counts in Wrenshall,
Minnesota, and Hackensack, New Jersey, which
conform with each other;

- The prevalence of jade in the Orient, which is
material heaved up from the mantle, near equatorial
pivot points during a cataclysm;

- The fantastic evidence of burgeoning tropical
plants in Arctic Siberia, Alaska and Antarctica, frozen
and preserved for thousands of years in a fraction of a
day during a cataclysm;

- The similarity of languages the world over, from
Polynesian to Greek, to Egyptian, to Mayan, to Eskimo,
to Yakut, to Oriental, and more;

- The footprints of dinosaurs, imprinted in beds of


pepunidl river mud, frozen before the prints could
ditviioiate, remaining frozen for thousands of years to
alliw the mud prints to ossify for us to sce as dinosaur
fnipeints in rock beds today;

| he correlation of ice ages, stone ages, and quick
petit tions of all species the world over;

I'he survival of primitive life at the equatorial
jvit points - the last two being the Malay Peninsula
sil the Galapagos, both now rife with lizards;

I'he existence of a coral reef on the floor of the

Ai nie Ocean;

And more, and more, and more, and more, give

i ic pi Sit f the Earth's

ie a prehistoric picture of the positions of the Ea s
shell during the past 35,000 or more years;

The overwhelming evidence, when put in order,
fives a dramatic picture of which areas have been at the
Marth Pole, when they moved to the pole, when they
moved away from the pole, and how long they were
phere, The chart is on the next page.

Notice that the end of an era is the same as the
watt of the next era. Although the chart is in terms of
years ago and years duration, do remember that the
hange from one era to the next occurs in a fraction of
a day - short enough to be called abrupt.


Areas at North Pole Start End

(North Polar Eras) (Years Ago)
Arctic Ocean 7,000 2
Sudan Basin 11,500 7,000
Hudson Bay 18,500 11,500
Caspian Sca 29,000 18,500
Wisconsin ? 29,000




Yes, Noah, Adam and Eve, Osiris, Ta'aroa, Zeus,
and Vishnu have much deeper meaning now; and, as
they join hands and walk with us, we hear Adam and

Eve saying:

"Listen - for now we can truly share our story

with you!"





It's funny how some things can plague you from
yin + hildhood years through your adult years. Not big
thin, necessarily, buclictle things, which don't exactly

taint, hue annoyingly stick their heads through your
life's door and say "Boo!" just to let you know they're
still there, If 1 made a list of all these things in my life
I might take up a whole book.

I'd like to talk about just onc of these bugaboos.
Pion the first time I heard the story of the creation and
Alain and Eve, even as a child it bothered me. To me,
the answer wasn't simply one of two ususal alternatives:
pith unquestioning faith in the story as it stands, or
sumplete repudiation as utter nonsense.

No, the answer seemed to lie elsewhere. If the
siuiy were taughe as the truth so uniformly, in spite of
ia apparent divergence from scientific truths, then to
me the true course would seem to be a search for the
funindation of the story, which would then lead to a
iue reading of it.

I'he pursuit happened almost by accident. Years
ul data correlation in studying cataclysmology has
shown the last cataclysm to have occurred about 7,000
years ago; that Noah, or Utnapishtim, or whatever his
name was, did exist and did survive that cataclysm.

A friend of mine suggested that Genesis I is almost
a perfect description of conditions on our planet right

after a cataclysm, including about a week following
On rereading it, I had to agree; Genesis IT even mentions
that a mist (proper translation: inundation) arose from
the earth and watered the whole face of the ground.

Well, now! This was worth thinking about. If it
were so, then it would be the cataclysm preceding
Noah's (another fascinating story!), about 11,500 years
ago. This, then, could be approximately the time of the
Adam and Eve Story.

The pursuit started. Tf the story did originate with
that cataclysm, in what language was it first written?
Certainly not Hebrew or Greek, for as far as we know,
they didn't even exist at that time. Was it possible to
delve into the vanished pages of prehistory and find
both the language and the story as originally written?

If we look to men such as Don Antonio Batres
Jaurequi and James Churchward, we may have our
answer. Certainly their knowledge of prehistoric
languages could be a key, and later we'll discuss the role
of Naga and ancient Mayan in the story of Adam and
Eve; first, however, let's examine the history of Genesis

I, II and III.

There are many schools of thought on this subject;
the predominant one is that Moses was the originator.
This sccms not obtuse, since Moses was reared in the
Egyptian tradition, in a royal household; he probably


Bail 4ocess to many religious writings and teachings
How lost with the passing of the archives in Egypt, in
Alisandiia, Heliopolis, and Sais. Certainly the Ten
wimandments were a condensation of the forty-two
fieations of Osiris for entering heaven. If Moses did
Wilie pare of the Old Testament, he then must have had
Muga tablet writings, or Egyptian interpretations of
them, handed down to the Egyptians for thousands of

Yeats through the royal houscholds; and the Egyptian

ptieathood had knowledge of a cataclysm 11,500 ycars
gjir (from our time). Priests of Egypt arc supposed to
Jive told Solon during his ten years in Egypt (about
1) 13,C.) that 9,000 years before that time there was
4 tataclysm which buried Atlantis bencath the ocean.
Mute that 9,000 + 600 B.C. + 1,950 A.D. = 11,550

FEals ago.

Moses' brother, Aaron, became the first chief
iiest of the Hebrews about 1,300 B.C. Somewhere
iwiween 15 and 18 generations later, the chief
piiesthood having been handed down from father to
ann through the generations, Seraiah (or Scraias) was
ihe chief priest (See Ezra, and 1 & 2 Ezdras). Later, in
580 B.C., in the 19th ycar of Nebuchadnezzar's reign,
Serniah was exccuted, and his son Ezra madc a captive
in Persia (See 2 Kings). Jerusalem was sacked, and all
I lehrew laws and records of the Old Testament were
huined with the temple at Jerusalem, by Nebuza-adan,
Nebuchadnezzar's Captain of the Guard.

In 458 B.C, the seventh year of Artaxerxes’ reign
in Persia, Ezra was commissioned to reestablish th:
Hebrew religion and law. According to 2 Ezdras, Ezra
rewrote the history of the Hebrews from the beginning,
and reestablished their laws.

Now, from 586 to 458 B.C. is 128 years. Th
latest that Ezra could have been born was after his
father Seraiah's execution, as well could be (see Onan 's
story, Genesis 38:8 through 10); therefore, the youngest
he could have been in 458 B.C. was 127. He was
working on a long memory.

Let's examine this anomaly. As mentioned before,
the lineage from Aaron to Ezra contains from 17 to 20
generations, including Aaron and Ezra. Assuming (1)
1,300 B.C. to be the start of Aaron's priesthood (1,290
B.C. isadjudged to be the time of the Exodus); (2) 458
B.C. to be near the end of Ezra's priesthood; then we
find the average priesthood term per generation to be
between 42.1 and 49.5 years. In view of this, can we
believe that Ezra served his priesthood for approximately
130 years? Which includes his entire life span?

It would appear much more plausible to assume
that it was Ezra's grandfather Azariah, rather than his
father Seraiah, who was the one taken and executed by
Nebuchadnezzar's men in 586 B.C. Then Scraiah and
Ezra would have served as chicf priests from 586 to 458
B.C., for an average of 64 ycars apiece. It is even


plavisihile that Ezra's great-grandfather Helchiah could
#¢e heen the victim in 586 B.C., leaving Azariah,

Beulah, and Ezra to serve the 128 years for an average
fF 4! yours cach, which is even closer to the overall
avtiape ofl 42.1 to 49.5 years from Aaron to Ezra, over

4 period of about 845 years.

[his means that the Adam and Eve story was last

~&en in writing by Helchiah or Azariah, therefore

sili down verbally possibly by Azariah, and certainly
iy Seraiah and Ezra, and finally dictated by Ezra to five
stiles, It is the five scribes’ writings that we have
ulay as Ezra's work. And the English is not even a
liteial translation....for instance, "without form and
fill” more literally would read "raging inundations
atl horrendous winds"...

Now, through Ezra's reconstruction of Genesis,
wi ate told many things:

I Because of the use of tree, fruit, serpent, cherubim,
sword of fire, and other words of Moses which were
glyphs in the picture language of prehistory, it is

evident char the Creation and Adam and Eve stories
weie probably written in the glyphs of Naga, the
puedominant Eastern hemisphere language of 11,500
yeals apo. This language is nearly identical to Prehistoric
Miyan, and the progenitor of many languages, which
iiclude Oriental and Polynesian tongues, Egyptian,
Liieek, and Yakut. My own knowledge of prehistoric

Naga and Mayan glyphs cnables me to read many
Indian blankets of the Southwestern United States
which have woven into them colorful glyphs depicting
a cataclysm. I wonder if the Indians are chuckling to
themselves, knowing that the tourists think they ar
buying blankets of just pretty pictures.

Yakut is an interesting language. It is almost pur
spoken Naga. It is spoken by Alaskan Eskimos; th
town of Yakutat means "The place where Yakur iy
spoken”. Tt is also spoken by a native tribe in Turkey
Naga in almost its purest prehistoric form is spoken by
atribe in northern India. Tt is pure prehistoric Mayan

2. Moses certainly, and possibly Aaron, had access
to the royal Egyptian glyph-stones library.

3. Neither Moses nor Aaron knew how to read the
ancient glyph languages of Naga or Mayan, thercfore
read the glyphs quitc literally.

4. Not being able to read the symbolism of the
glyphs, in addition to reading them literally, Moses
and Aaron (and possibly Ezra) read into the Adam and
Eve story the social and religious attitudes of their day.
In that time woman was regarded as the root of all sin,
a lowly creature, her birth recorded only as an exception,
and basically being the cause of man's every downfall
- a daily potential. This attitude persists even in worse
forms in some religions amazingly in our time.


I tt any wonder that Eve was shouldered with the
$espiinaihility for the downfall of all mankind, as a
gill ul interpretations read into the Naga by Moses?
Al lilo Moses' reading by Ezra? Perhaps also it was
te4:l (nto the story by Egyptian priests long before
Rises’ time, and passed on to him verbally as history.
1 lids Lather were really the one taken and executed by
the  uptain of the Guard, Nebuza-adan, then it had to
i lis prandfacher who passed the story to him verbally.

I'he fusing of two stories (P and J versions) into

uit to make the story of Genesis I, II, and III may
tilise "the man” with Adam. Tt is possible that
Aili, being only nine generations ahead of Noah,
with the time span of the Sudan Basin Polar Era
fuvering about 4,500 to 5,000 years, was not the
tian referred to in the creation, but his name and
pepeiiences were merged with "the man's” story.

Remember, however, we are informed that Ezra
liv tated the entire history to five scribes from memory,
ail this work contains Genesis as we know it today.
Fur him co recall from the archives of his mind what he
ilitl as well as he did - certainly bespeaks of inspiration
il a high order; but it also appears evident that he had
no knowledge of the fact that 4,500 years transpired
hetween Genesis I and Noah's flood. It is clear from
! lizdras 3:9 that Genesis 1 and Noah's flood were


actually two inundations, however, for while speaking


of the two occasions, he says of Noah's flood: "And
apain in process of time thou broughtest the flood
El hose that dwelt in the world, and destroyedst

upon t

Now, we mentioned before that the lincage of the
high priests from Aaron to Ezra differs in numbers of
enerations (17 or 20) and names as presented in 1 and
2 Fazdras; and both differ in names from the book of
Ezra. We also find differences in the lineages from
Noah to Jesus (approximately 51 generations) in the
Bible. Isitany wonder, therefore, thatsome generations
could have been omitted in the Adam to Noah line?
Not to mention the Noah to Jesus line? And the Aaron

to Ezra line?

And in light of the fact that, i" addition to
elming evidence, there are countless legends in
a Pacific areas, handed down from the
inundation of 11,500 years ago, of a creation much
like that of Genesis I and II, is it not possible that the
man" of the Genesis story became confused with Adam
throughout the thousands of years, and through .
succeeding cataclysm in Noah's time 7,000 years ago:

The miracle is that the whole story of ‘creation ”
and of Adam and Eve is as undistorted as it is; being
11,500 years old, it has suffered through many debacles
visited upon its guardians in the intervening years.


Because of the lack of resolving information, "the
man" and Adam are kept as one in this translation -

6. The significant Naga glyphs given to us by Ezra
through Moses’ direct reading are: Cherubims, Rib,
Adam's sleep, Man, Woman, Tree, Fruit on the tree,
Serpent, and Flaming Sword.

Our knowledge of Naga glyphs tells us that the
tree (of life) symbolized a mother continent, a parent
civilization lasting thousands of years longer than ours
of today.

An unadorned serpent represented water in its
natural state, or the ocean; a serpent entwined around
the tree signified that the mother continent was
surrounded entirely by water. Genesis 111, 15 actually
describes Eve's heel on the serpent's head, depicting
her victory over the oceans.

Cherubims - which were not pretty, plump babies
as we have always thought - but glyphs of hybrid man
and beast. They were the glyphs for legs, or foundations,
or underpinnings. Instead of being placed in the garden
of Eden, the foundation was taken away; and a Naga or
Mayan reading of the Egyptian Book of the Dead
shows that cherubims of the North, South, East and
West were taken away - meaning thacall the foundations
of the mother continent were removed and destroyed.


The flaming sword was the symbol of fire and
carthquake. The fire signified what all legends of these
cataclysms call earth-fire, which is the planet-wide
molten layer below the Earth's 60-mile thick shell
breaking through to the surface during a cataclysm, a
literal hell. It is, as far as I have been able to determine,
the origin of man's concept of hell.

I remember watching John Kennedy's funeral on
television; and most vividly the incantation given by
the Archbishop to keep John Kennedy from the doors
of hell. His words went back to pre-Christian Rome,
for in describing those gates of hell, he painted a
picture of hell exactly like that of the molten sublayer
breaking through the earth's shell. Tt had to be handed
down through thousands of years from one who had
actually seen it. Chills ran up and down my spine as it
stamped an indelible impression on my mind.

Now to the tree: Fruit growing on that tree
symbolized the mankind which settled the mother
continent ages before Adam and Eve. Their eating the
fruit tells us they were descended from this original
mankind. Eve cating first signifies that she was the
younger gencration; Adam eating second signifies that
he was her father, which made her his daughter. His
daughter!? Yes. It is the origin of one of the oldest
Hebrew laws: In a catastrophe, if but a male and female
survive, they must mate, regardless of their relationship.


If you want to check on this, read the story of Lot
and his two daughters. The daughters were simply
obeying Hebrew law. He is stated to be too drunk to
know what he was doing. Ha! If he were, he couldn't
have performed. He must have been a good actor.

The glyph of the creation is even more revealing.
There are three figures represented on the stone; the
top figure is the face of a sleeping or dead person (there
were no separate symbols for death and sleep in Naga
- both were represented as the same). The middle figure
is shown as a male, and the bottom figure a female who
is represented as the mother of all mankind. In addition,
there are curved lines from the sleeping or dead person
and the male middle figure to the bottom of the female

This glyph has been interpreted to mean that the
middle figure, a male, was put to sleep, shown by the
top figure, and a rib (or ribs) removed from him (the
ribs being the curved lines) and fashioned into the
bottom figure, the female mother of all mankind. This
fits beautifully with the story of Eve's creation, Adam
therefore being both the male middle figurc and the
top figure, a sleeping or dead person.

There is a hitch to this story, however: the top
figure, either sleeping or dead, is depicted as a female!
How could it be Adam, asleep, awake, dead or aljve?

Moreover, in Naga the curved lines denote parentage
rather than ribs; so, more reasonably, it appears that
the top figure is a dead female, whose offspring by the
male middle figure (Adam) was the bottom female
figure (Eve), the mother of all mankind.

I have been asked countless times how one can tell
the top figure to be a dead female, to the extent that |
guess I owe an answer here.

In Naga and prehistoric Mayan, they show that
they worshipped but one Deity, and represented that
Deity by a glyph of a circle representing the Sun. Any
time a circle was shown on a tablet, it could only

represent their Deity.

This tablet has swe circles on it. "Purists" have
stated that the "writers" of this tablet meant to show
"double intensity" of the Deity. Strange; 1 have never
seen anywhere a "double intensity” of two circles in
either Naga or prehistoric Mayan. The curious thing
about these two circles is that they are located precisely
where a female's breasts should be on the top figure.
Maybe that's what "double intensity” is all about!

The most curious thing about this stone is that it
fits the legend of Adam being a widower, and the name
of his deceased wife being Lilith. If true, it would also

reveal Lilith to be Eve's mother.
* x


So, in essence, the story as read from the glyphs
would be that Adam and Eve, who lived in the Garden
of Eden on the mother continent (tree), were descended
from the original mankind (fruit) of that land, which
incidentally was surrounded entirely by water (serpent
cntwined around the tree). Eve was Adam's daughter,
and he was a widower.

They realized that, in order to survive, they had to
leave and never try to return, for the motherland was
destined to be destroyed by a cataclysmic inundation.
Eve had perceived this coming event, and Adam asked
her how she had discovered it; she answered that she
had inherited the intelligence to do so from her
ancestors. As a result she had gained victory over the
inundation (Eve's heel on the serpent's head).

They left the motherland; and afterward the
continent (tree) was subjected to a fiery carthquake
(flaming sword), during which it lost its foundations
(cherubims) and sank beneath the ocean (serpent)
which remained forever afterward burying the continent
(forever afterward crawling on its belly).

So let's review the event - two cataclysms ago - and
then apply our knowledge toward a representative
translation-interpretation of Genesis I, IT, and 111. It
may be the most accurate reading of a story written
11,500 years ago.



11,500 Years Ago

| 41

Did you ever sit down for an evening at a card
table with a 1,000-piece puzzle? By yourself? It takes
hours and hours to put it together, doesn't it, with trial
and error - and patience - all playing their parts.

We're still trying out some of the as yer unfitted
pieces in our worldwide puzzle, and we've been "art the
table” since 1949. However, even though still not
complete, it shows us a graphic representation of the
Earth's picture as it was 11,500 years ago.

Look at a globe of the World. Pick out Longitude
90 degrees W - Latitude 60 degrees N. This point is in
the western part of the Hudson Bay.

Now hold the globe so that the spot 90 deg. W -
60 deg. Nis at the North Pole, on the axis of rotation.
This was the configuration of the World between
18,500 years ago and 11,500 ycars ago. The North
Polar ice cap formed the Laurentian Basin in Canada.

The continents, however, were not quite the same.
There was a huge continent in the Atlantic Ocean,
which stretched from England across the Atlantic to
the Bahamas. The Caribbean Sea and possibly even the
Gulf of Mexico did not exist; there is evidence of the
Caribbean being land at that time. An ice cap on the
globe's opposite side from Hudson Bay covered western
Australia, and eastern Australia was burgeoning with
humans, animals, birds, vegetation, and rivers.


There was another continent in the pacific -
covering an area now ringed by the Hawaiian Islands,
the Galapagos, Easter Island, Tahiti, the Solomons,
and the Caroline Islands. Have you ever noticed the
heavy sedimentary stratifications making up the top
half of Diamond Head? They have the same
characteristics of the strata exposed in the walls of
Grand Canyon, Monument Valley and the mysterious
Canyon de Chelly.

The Province of Ceylon held the major civilization
of India. Ahoydia in northern India was the thriving
capital of that country. It was then called Adjudia.

Greece - land of the Hellenes - was the home of a
tall, blue-eyed, blonde race with standards of science
and law unmatched to this day.

The Amazon basin was an inland sca - legends call
it the Sca of Xarayes - and the mouth of the Amazon
River was then a wide, seagoing connection between
the Atlantic and the Sea of Xarayes. The western coast
of South America was not mountainous - indications
are that the prehistoric city of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia,
now at 12,500 feet above sea level, was at sea level. Tt
was a metropolis seaport, with a canal system for
seagoing ships - as large as any today - traversing from
the Pacific to an inland sca. If you wish to read details
about this, read The Calendar of Tiahuanaco and


The Great Idol of Tiabuanaco, both by Hans Schindler
Bellamy and Peter Allan. They make terrific reading.

Astronomers of Tiahuanaco used telescopes like
ours of today; and they had a huge satellite orbiting the
Earth - West to East, 449 times per ycar - which the
used as a time standard, its orbit was so accurate. d

~ Ahoydia, now a suburb of Lucknow, was the
capital of India. And the great navigators, the great
scientists, the great explorers of the eastern hemisphere
were the dark-cyed, dark-haired Mayans. India had
gravity-propelled vehicles and gravity-madc weaponry.

About 11,500 years ago - in 9,550 B.C., as dated
by astronomers from Potsdam Observatory from
writings in the ruins of Tiahuanaco - the 60-mile thick
shell of the Earth shifted its position once more in
1/4 to 1/2 a day, about 7,000 years after the previous
shift. The North Pole moved southward, and the Sudan
Basin in Africa shifted to the North Pole. This was the
time, as the Talmud states, when the setting of the
Pleiades below the horizon occurred and "The Holy
Land was moved into a region of terrible cold" for
many generations - actually for about 4,500 to 5,000
years until Noah's flood, about 7,000 years ago.

: The equatorial pivot points were off the coast of
mid-Chile and in mid-China, near the Yangtze, north
of Viet Nam.


The great continent in the Pacific disappeared
almost completely - what is now Easter Island, then on
the edge of the continent, dropped to remain on the
Pacific Ocean floor for about 5,000 years - to be
heaved up in the cataclysm causing Noah s flood.
What remained of the vast Pacific continent rolled to
the South Pole, to be discovered by Mayan explorers as
the last remains of their motherlands - a frozen
reservoir of mud at the bottom of the Earch,” millions
of square miles in area. Today we see indications of the
continent in the sedimentary strata in the heights of
Diamond Head in the Hawaiians, and the same
stratifications in most of the higher Pacific islands.

Of the great continent in the Atlantic, only a large
island was left in the West, while the occan between
there and Gibraltar to the East was left shallow, muddy,

and impassable to ships.

A thread of a clue concerning the great knowledge
of that time came out when Captain Cook discovered
the Polynesian Maori tribe in New Zealand in the
1700's. They told him of ancient legends of Saturn's
rings - and they hadn't even heard of telescopes. Now
you try to see those rings with your naked cyes - and
you'll find out that it's impossible.

The cvidence in Tiahuanaco shows that their
great civilization was wiped out so suddenly that people
were caught in the middle of their normal daytime


activities by a catastrophic inundation. Further,
evidence shows that this fabulous city suffered the
same fate as Easter Island: although the Rockies and
Andes were started in this cataclysm, Tiahuanaco was
buried under the Pacific, to remain there for almost
5,000 years, then to be heaved up to its present altitude
of 12,500 feet in the last cataclysm about 7,000 years

So the cataclysm of 11,500 years ago saw the
Hudson Bay and the opposite area just southwest of
Australia both roll to the equator on opposite sides of
the Earth, and the Sudan basin roll to the North Pole,
to remain there for about the next 4,500 to 5,000
years. While this shift was occurring, taking only 1/4
to 1/2 a day to complete itself, the Earth's occans and
atmosphere, through angular momentum, keptrotating
in their normal direction during most of the shift, with
the oceans violently inundating most of the lands of
the Earth at supersonic speeds, and the atmosphere
bringing unimaginable hurricanes of supersonic wind
velocities. Whole continents were subjected to
tremendous upheavals and earthquakes. Huge
Mountain ranges were created. The 60-mile thick
molten layer below the 60-mile thick shell of the Earth
broke through the shell in places all over the world, and
was thereafter called "Earch-fire" by the pitiful few
who survived.

Pitiful Few? The whole Earth? Best cstimates are
less than one percent of all life on our Earth.

The oceans and winds took six days after the start
of the cataclysm to resolve their holocaustic wars on
the surface of the Earth, and on the seventh day began
to scetle down to about 5,000 years of normal activity
and complacency. The two-mile thick ice caps of the
Laurentian Basin and the Indian Occan, having shifted
from their polar homes and started a new course of
revolving equatorially, proceeded to meltat tremendous
speeds in the torrid heat, carving great grooves in the
mountains as the rushing, gushing, swirling water and
ice overwhelmed everything in their paths . The great
amounts of moisture being poured into theatmosphere
were to shroud the Torrid Zone in a dark fog for many
years during several generations. The oceans rose some
200 to 300 feet all over the world with the sudden
melting of the ice caps as they do after each cataclysm.

The end of the Laurentian Tce Age and the start of
the "old stone age" was complete.

The Mayan tongue lived on in scattered remnants:
Polynesian tongues, Greek, Yakut, Egyptian, Eskimo
tongues, Nomadic, Oriental, German, American Indian
- just about all languages. The resurrection from the
waters - Tau - lived on in many stories from the Pacific
of a man who survived, later to become Ta'aroa,
Tongaroa, or Taroa'a, depending on which tribe's
legend you find. Adam and Eve could have sprung
from the samc story. Who knows?


GENESIS: 4,500,000,000 YEARS AGO


Both in the Bible

A translation-interpretation of Genesis 1, IT, and IIT
for a reconstruction of whar the Naga must hay
] » 3 ~

een to give us the chapters as we have them in English;

then retranslating dj
g directly from Naga to Engl;
bypassing Greek and Hebrew. fe co English,




(Chapters 1, 11, and 11)


1. In the beginning (4.32 billion years ago) the
universe was created in God's great design. Included
was our Sun, and our planet Earth.

2. And during one of the many cataclysms chat
occurred during the earth's history (this one being
11,500 years ago), the earth's lands were all inundated
with raging waters, and ravaged by horrendous winds;
and the oceans were all dark with muddiness. And the
ill wind thundered over the troubled waters also.

3. And as the storms abated, sunlight came back to
the face of the carth, as God intended.

4. And, while the cataclysm was abating, once more
darkness and sunlight werc reestablished and
distinguishable, and it was good.

9. And sunlight was again daytime, and darkness
again nighttime, in accordance with God's design; and
¢vening and morning made one day.


6. Again, God's original design was that there be a
sky between the clouds and oceans;

7. And in accordance with God's design, the heavens
were reestablished, in chat the sky again stood between
the clouds and the oceans, as the onslaught of the great
cataclysm abated.

8. And God's heavens were indeed reestablished;
and that evening and morning were the beginning of
the second day.

9. And God's design was that the lands would not be
entirely covered by the oceans as they were immediately
following a cataclysm, so the disrupted oceans, now
settling, drained off the higher lands.

10. And, in accordance with God's design, the dry
land was earth, and the waters oceans, and once again
it was reestablished and good, as God intended.

11. And since God's design was that the earth should
bring forth grass and herbs, yielding their seed, and the
fruic yielding fruit containing its seed; and the earth
was again reestablished.

12. Thercfore the earth, being reestablished, brought
forth grass and herbs, yielding their seed, and the fruit
tree yielding fruit containing its seed; and it was good,
as God intended.


A And (he evening and the morning were the start of
the hid day.

BN eco dance with God's design, there were nor-

Wally lights in che heavens, which served to indicate
#iiths, and seasons, and days, and years;

15, Also they served to furnish light on the earth, as
(Fn intended.

I Aud as the great fog lifted, and the clouds broke,
the Sun and the Moon reappeared, and also the stars;

1° And once again, as God intended, they shone
fin the heavens;

Il And the Sun and the Moon again were able to
divide light and darkness, which was good.

i And the evening and the morning were the scart of
ihe fourch day.

HL And it was God's will that some of every creature
living, and bird flying, should survive the cataclysmic

21, Surviving then were the great whales, and every
living creature of the sca, and cvery kind of winged
fowl; and it was as God intended, and good.


22. And they were blessed with God's original design
to be fruitful, and reproduce, and replenish the occans
with sca life and the air with fowl.

23. And the evening and the morning were the start of

the fifth day.

24. And it was God's will that some of every creature,
cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth,
should survive the cataclysmic inundation;

25. Surviving then were the beasts, the cattle, and
every thing that creeps on the earth; and it was as God

intended, and good.

26. And in accordance with God's design, man, who
was created in the image God intended, also was to
survive, and have dominion over the fowl of the air,
and over the cattle, and over the earth, and over every
creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

27. Soitwas God's design that man, who was created
in the image God intended, both male and female,
would survive the cataclysmic inundation.

28. And they were blessed with God's original design
to be fruitful, and multipy, and replenish the earch,
and control it; and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living
thing that moves on the earch.


29. And God's design was that man, being given every
herb bearing sced, which js upon the face of all the
earth, and cvery tree, in which is the fruit of a tree
yielding seed; to man it should be for food.

30. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl
of the air, and to every thing that creeps on the earth
wherein there is life, God's design was thar green herbs
shall serve for food; and it was as God intended.

31. And every thing which survived, was as God had
originally created, and still was in God's design, and
was good. And the evening and the morning were the
beginning of the sixth day.


1. Thus the heavens and the earch %
all the host of them. werereestablished,

2. And on the seventh day the recovery from the
cataclysm and flood were complete; and the seventh
day brought rest from the fight for survival against the
cataclysm and its aftereffects.

3. And theseventh day brought God's blessed peace,
as the cataclysm had abated, leaving those of his creation
who survived.


4. These are the same regenerations of the heavens
and of thc carth as they were reestablished after the
cataclysm previous to the one of this story, when the
Lord God reestablished the earth and the heavens.

5. And every plant of the field before that cataclysm
was in the earth, and cvery herb in the ficld before it
grew. For the Lord God had not brought rain upon the
earth in this region, and there was nota man to till the

6. But there was this cataclysm, and great inundations
rose over the earth.

7. And it was God's will that man should rise up
from the carth, and keep the breach of life, and remain
a living soul. This is his story.

8. And it was God's will, after a cataclysm, that a
continent eastward be established, and there in Eden
lived the man of this story.

9. And from this land grew other civilizations, on
other lands, with the motherland in the midst of all
being the seat of wisdom, of all knowledge, both good
and evil.

10. And the inundation destroyed Eden, and left only
its four offspring lands.


(Note: The next four verses arc probably incorrect
or incomplete, with the true descriptions locked in
correct translations of Egypt's Book of the Dead, and
the missing portion of the Piri Reis map.)

11. The first land is ncar the river Pison, which
rn the whole land of Havilah, where there is

12. And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium
and the onyx stone.

13. And the second land is near the river Gihon: the
same land which includes the whole land of Ethiopia.

1 4. And the third land is near the river Hiddekel: that
is the land toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth
land is ncar the river Euphrates.

15. And it was in God's province that the man was of
Eden, where he lived and toiled.

16. And he was descended from the original mankind
which settled that motherland.

17. And God's design was that the man was warned:
although the motherland was the source of all
knowledge, both good and evil, thar if he stay therein,
surely he would die.

18. And it was God's design that the man should not
be alone, therefore a mate should be his;

19. And since God had originally created every beast
of the field, and fowl of the air, and in his time Adam

had named each one;

20. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl
of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam
there was no mate.

21. For Adam's mate had died, after giving birth to a
child of Adam;

22. And the child of the man was a female, made in
the image God intended;

23. And Adam said, this child is bone of my bone, and
flesh of my flesh; and she grew into womanhood.

24. Therefore, the man was both father and mother to
her, and she abode with him, and they were one flesh.

25. And the climate there was warm, requiring little
or no clothing.


1. Now at the time of the beginning of this story, the
oceans were in their normal state of quietness; and it
was known to the woman of this story that she was


not descended from any of the peoples of the lands
which sprang from the mother continent;

2. And God's design was that the woman would
learn that people of the offspring lands would live on,

3. Butthe people of the motherland, from whom she
had descended, would surely all die,

4, And she knew that in spite of the impending
inundation, she surely would not die;

5. For God's design was that from the day she was
born, she was descended from the original mankind of
the motherland, and was destined to know all, to
discern both good and evil.

6. And the woman, being of the motherland, and
being wise and good, knew that both she and her father
were descended from the original mankind of the

7. And they both were wise, and had lived the good
life; and it was that time of the year when some
clothing was needed for warmth.

8. And in the cool of those days, when they were
wondering to which of the offspring lands they should
BO, and God's presence was felt strongly by them,

Y. Adam felt God's call,

10. And said, T have heard God warning since summer, motherland, they should Beast as doEeiprores i smc
ais] have feared for I knew not where to find refuge; berserk, and BF shy gaged] Moshe bias A A,
11. And God's warning had come to him in the 18. And where Adam was to 50, the land would be
S— asa warning to leave the land of his ancestors. difficult to farm, wich thorns aod thie treading
s » as : | and even so the herb of the field was to be their food.
12. And the man said, the woman who is my daug ter,

and descended from my ancestors, gave me this 19. By his own toil and swear he was destined to fight
knowledge; for survival after the inundation, even to the end of his
S >

days, when he would recurn to mother Earth, as it was

13. And asked her, What gift of knowledge has God Earth man came from, and unto Earth he shall return.

; A cestor
given you? And the woman said, I am of your ancestors

d inherit their wisdom; and the coming inundations 20. And after the inundation, Adam therefore made
a ans has been made known to me; the woman his wife, and called her Eve, as she was to
of the oceans has . be the mother of all living from the motherland.

14. And God's design was that the oceans would so
inundate the lands, and drown all cattle, and all beasts 21. And, again after the inundation, as they were in a
se field, and bury all dust, colder climate, it was God's design as part of their
of the field, a ¥ ) h survival chat they make coats of skins, and be clothed.
15. And God has thus given me victory over Le | oo ;

cans, such that the seed of future generations is in 22. And it was God's design that Adam should take
ocean 4 e, for the oceans will drown all others. with him the knowledge of good and evil from the
YER 47 TE 10 h motherland as he put forth and left in order to live;
16. And God's design was that although the _ Co
inundation would greatly multiply her sorrows, she 23. Therefore, in accordance with God s will, he left
ould even so bring forth children, as her love would the Garden of Eden, (o survive and live from the soil
be for her husband, and his for her. where he was to go.

17. And unto Adam it was God's will that he heed the od. So the man left; and the Garden of Eden was
words of his daughter, and God's warning that though stbjeceed to a cataclysm of carthquake and earth-fire,
they be descendants of the original mankind of the ind the motherland lost jis foundations and sank

beneath the oceans.

60 61



The last cataclysm, known as Noah's flood, is
pretty easy to study. It was the start of the New Stone
Age, brought about by conditions following the last
inundation, when even basic requirements for living
were no longer available. Since then, uniformitarian
geology has been allowed by Nature to continue on its
path uninterrupted. Thousands of legends arose.

Two cataclysms ago, roughly 10,500 years ago,
which we now know to be Adam and Eve's flood, was
the start of the Old Stone Age. You can find these two
last stone ages in almost any Junior High School
general science textbooks. There again, this stone age
was induced by the total lack of basic requirements for
living. Tt's extremely difficult to find data from the era
between the last two cataclysms, but it's there. Plus,
of course, uniformitarian geology pursued its normal
path between cataclysms. Era history is all legendary.

Three cataclysms ago, roughly 18,500 years ago,
left little data for us. It is mentioned in Genesis 11:4.
Shanidar Cave in Iraq gives us the best data of all; it's
discussed in the text of this book, on page 98.

Four cataclysms ago, about 29,000 years ago, was
the end of the Wisconsin era, and we find more data
than we do for the third-ago cataclysm.

Five cataclysms ago, 43,800 years ago, was derived
by Jess Hale, a super mathematician. It's a real search.


Slowly, painstakingly, we are still putting the
pieces of the puzzle together. The more picces we find
which fit into the picture, the more pieces are thrown
on the table for us; and the more colorful and dramatic
the picture becomes.

Did you understand that therc are three cataclysms
recorded in the Bible? Noah's, Adam and Eve's, and
the one before thar? If you missed it, check Genesis 11.

I'wish we had the funds to dig and search for threc
years in Tiahuanaco. A small idea of what could be
found in this prehistoric city of South America can be
gained by reading two books which I have mentioned
before, but will again: The Calendar of Tiahuanaco
and The Great Idol of Tiahuanaco, both by tremendous
researchers, Hans Schindler Bellamy and Peter Allan.
The conclusions drawn by Bellamy and Allan in these
monumental works are startlingly close to mine: the
city has lived through at lcast three cpochs between
cataclysms, the oldest ending about 11,500 years ago,
terminating - with a cataclysm - che period in its
history when it was at sca level, and starting a period of
about 5,000 years during which it was at the bottom of
the Pacific; then an upheaval during the cataclysm of
about 7,000 years ago when it, along with its ocean
bed, was raised to ics present altitude of 12,500 feet.
That cataclysm produced Noah's flood, gave birth to
Niagara Falls, started the Ohio River flowing into the


Mississippi, started the Neolithic stone age, raised the
level of the oceans more than two hundred feet all over
the world, initiated the era of modern history all over
our planet - such as that of Greece, India, and Egypt -
and gave birth to The Epic of Gilgamesh, containing
the story of Noah's flood written by a Sumerian
thousands of years before the Hebrews wrote about it

in Genesis.

Each cataclysm is like a giant hand sweeping
across the countryside, leaving its fingerprints for us to
find amongst the clephant footprints of science in our
search for the solution to this consuming mystery.

These fingerprints are well hidden amongst the
heavy footprints of uniformitarian evidence. T ¢ wo
disciplines - uniformitarian geology and cataclysmo ogy
- have no real contest between them; each has its own
place in science, for they complement cach other, and
actually a marriage of the two schools is in order.

Some of the cataclysmic fingerprints have been
mentioned in Chapter II. Let's discuss them in more


The story of frozen mammoths is intriguing
indeed. No frozen mammoth was ever found in ice; all
were found in frozen, homogenous muck. It used to be
that you could buy frozen mammoth steaks in Alaskan
restaurants, the meat had been so well preserved


by quick-freezing in the muck after the mammoths'
drowning and suffocating to death, then maintaining
that frozen status for almost seven thousand years.

Perhaps the most noted of the thousands found
thusly is the Beresovka mammoth, found near the
Beresovka River in northern Siberia. Like all mammoths
found wherein some comment was made concerning
the skull, it was noted that his skull was pink from
hemorrhaging in the head, plus the fact that he had a
penile erection, both of these facts being evidence
sufficient to prove that he suffocated to death in the
surrounding homogenous muck. Further, he was frozen
so fast and kept frozen for almost seven thousand ycars
during which his erection was kept "on frozen record”
constantly until he was found.

The Beresovka mammoth was found about 1900,
and more scientific data was gathered and recorded
about this animal than any other such frozen behemoth.
It's true that this beast also has initiated more scientific
controversy than any other such find. To my way of
thinking, one man's work stands far above all others:
Ivan T. Sanderson, the biologist. He approached the
problem from a frozen foods viewpoint - and was the
only one to do so. This is his story:

When you freeze meat, the problem is to freeze it
fast enough so the moisture contained in the meat does
not have time to form into large crystals while freezing.

The faster the freeze, the smaller the crystals. If you
freeze meat too slowly, the moisture will form crystals
large enough to destroy the fibrous structure of the
meat; when defrosted, the meat will be nothing more
than a mass of goo, unfit to cook or eat. The larger the
piece of meat to be frozen, the more difficult it is to
freeze it fast enough to avoid formation of the
destructive moisture crystals, for heat must be removed
at the same rate from, say, half a steer as from half a
pound of ground meat. Tt would be the same problem
if you had to freeze a bucket or tub of water in the
same time it takes to frecze a chimbleful.

Now a mammoth weighs up to five tons. Those
mammoths found in Siberia werc somewhat smaller,
but still several-ton animals. When the Beresovka
mammoth was dissected by Russian scientists in 1901,
they recorded that even the innermost lining of the
beast's stomach had a perfectly preserved fibrous
structure, indicating that his body heat had been
removed by some superprodigious process in nature.

Sanderson, taking special notice of this one point,
took the problem to the American Fozen Foods
Institute: What does it take to freeze an entire mammoth
so that the moisture content of even the innermost
parts of his body, even to the inner lining of his
stomach, do not have time enough to form crystals
large enough to destroy the meat's fibrous structure?


The Institute really attacked this problem. To
freeze a quarter or half a steer presented a big enough
problem - but a whole mammoth!

Some weeks later the Institute went back to
Sanderson with the answer: It's utterly impossible.
With all of our scientific and engineering knowledge,
there is absolutely no known way to remove the bady
heat from a carcass as big as a mammoth fast enough to
freeze it without large moisture crystals forming in the
meat. Furthermore, after exhausting the scientific and
engineering techniques, they looked to nature and
concluded that there is no known process in nature
which could accomplish the fear. So many have looscly
claimed that the Beresovka mammoth "fell in a crevasse”
or "fell in the ice" or some such nonsense. There is
absolutely, positively, irrevocably no explanation in
the known processes of nature to explain the quick-
freezing of the Beresovka mammoth - concurrently
with the muck in which he was suffocated and drowned.

The Institute did tell Sanderson what it takes to
do the job, however. First of all, the body temperature
of the mammoth must be lowered about 140 degrees
Fahrenheit (or 78 degrees Centigrade) from its normal
temperature, and it must be accomplished in an absolute
outside time limit of approximately four hours. Actually,
they concluded, the freezing process would have to
take place in an elapsed time of closer to two hours.


The Institute did not take into account the effect
on their conclusions which two other factors would
have made: first, the fact that an entire strata of muck
was frozen concurrently with the mammoth; and
second, the fact that his erection had been preserved by
quick freezing. The second of these facts reduces our
actual freezing time to far below two hours. All that
two to four hours represents is the outer limit of time
within which the freezing process had to have taken
place for no large moisture crystallization to have
formed deep in the meat. The second fact tells us that
the freezing time, at least for the entire strata of muck
and the outer parts of the mammoth, had to be less than
one minute, or perhaps more like half a minute.

The whole process bespeaks of an inhuman,
supernatural violence: one foreleg, some ribs, and its
pelvis were fractured (Do you realize what it takes to
break a mammoth's foreleg and his pelvic bone!?); he
was buried in a sea of muck formed by supersonically
moving water, gathering and homogenizing the muck;
suffocated and drowned in the muck, and quick frozen
-n the muck in an utterly impossible sequence of events
- but nonetheless the process was performed - then kept
frozen and preserved for almost seven thousand years.

Thank goodness for the scientific and intellectual
curiosity of the Russian Czar who assigned the scientific
team the responsibility to form the expedition into the


far outreaches of eastern Siberia and bring back a
thorough scientific analysis of this new-found
mammoth near the Beresovka River. Today that same
mammoth is mounted in a museum in Moscow. I
believe | am correct in stating that it was the first time
such a large animal was ever mounted by a taxidermist
(or a team of taxidermists).

Where did the muck come from which buried the
mammoth alive? This frozen mud can be found all over
northern Siberia and Alaska. In Alaska the frozen
blanket ranges from twenty to ninety feet thick. Where
we have been able to study this frozen tundra more
closely, here in the United States, the evidence shows
that the supernatural violence included supersonic
winds, volcanic cruption, swift inundation creating
the muck, a sudden temperature change to far below
subzero freezing, and a precipitous total environmental
climatic change. The muck comes from the inundation
waters moving so swiftly and in such fantastic quantities
that the water picks up all kinds of earth, mixes and
homogenizes it with the water, then lays it down in a
muck layer. Vivid descriptions of this layer of frozen

muck are given by Prof. Frank C. Hibben in his book
I'he Lost Americans.

One of the best places to study many layers of
muck laid down by many succeeding cataclysms is in
the walls of the Grand Canyon, or in the Badlands of


North Dakota. If you stand on the north rim of the
Grand Canyon, pick one strata to follow, and trace it
with your eyes as far as you can see in all directions -
including the spires jutting upward in the canyon - you
will find that strata homogenous from top to bottom,
everywhere as it goes, laid down with uniform thickness,
and sharply demarcated from the layers above and
below it. Furthermore, if you happen to pick a layer
that contains gravel, rocks and boulders interspersed
through it, you will observe that ossified muck, gravel,
rocks, and boulders are distributed throughout the
layer quite evenly in all directions.

There is absolutely only one way for each layer to
have been laid down so evenly and so homogenously,
and that is all at once. All other hypotheses fall into
oblivion in light of the homogeneity factor. This
conclusion of the suddenness of the deposit, based on
the homogeneity factor, is strengthened further by the
flatness, uniformity of thickness, the independent
character of cach layer, and the sharp demarcation
between any two adjacent layers.

Anyone in the earth-moving business who looks
at these strata with the suddenness of deposit of cach
layer in mind will immediately realize that there is
absolutely no way to accomplish this feat through any
known means of engineering - nor is there any known
way in the ordinary processes of nature to move that


much earth, homogenize it - even with rocks and
boulders if necessary - and deposit it all at once over
uncountable square miles of surface in one single, flat,
homogenous, even-depth layer. The only way possible
is for cubic miles upon cubic miles of water to move at
speeds into the supersonic fange over continents, pick
up earth - dirt, rocks and boulders - in unbelievable
quantities, mix it with the water into a watery mud,
have every rock and boulder grind each other into
rounded off shapes as if they were pebbles, and finally
deposit it all at once over huge areas of land in an even,
flat layer of "homogenized" muck, rocks, and boulders
which later dries out, and through the ages sometimes
ossifies, such as in continents frozen in polar zones.

For many years I searched and hunted for evidence
of what I call "sloshing" of fast-moving muckwater as
it becomes trapped in a huge basin. In the late 1980's
I found a treasure trove of sloshing evidence in the part
of Arizona and Utah known as Monument Valley.
Never have I heen so impressed with the beauty of
Nature as I was when first viewing the Monument
treasures of that valley. It's hard to believe that such
beauty can come from the unimaginable violence of a
cataclysm pounding on a landscape which would not
exist were it not for the many cataclysms before the last
one, cach contributing its share toward the structure as
we see it today, with thick layers upon other layers
mixed with thinner layers after thinner ones, cach with

its own unique color and characteristics, with sharp
demarcations between all layers.

There are also similar layers in Canyon de Chelly,
southeast of Monument Valley a few miles.

The thick layers, approximately 60 to 80 feet
thick, provided the sloshing evidence. Even though
each of these thick layers showed definite evidence of
having been deposited all at once, each layer with its
own color and integral appearance, there was a diagonal
sublayer - grainflow within each layer - tilted about
twenty degrees off horizontal, with an adjacentsublayer
tilted in the opposite direction both above and below
it. These tilted sublaycrs, in comprising some very
thick layers, were stacked upon cach other in fifteen
sublayers, all the same thickness, and each tilted in
opposite directions from the layers adjacent to itsclf.

This evidence, then, finally provided the proof
that sloshing does occur in a cataclysm. As the rapidly
moving muckwater sloshed back and forth across the
valley, it deposited a little of itself with each slosh; it
was moving so fast as to deposit the same amount of
itself with each slosh, the total being so homogenized
that each sublayer has the samc characteristics as each
and every one above and below it. Only the grain
structure varies in slant with each sublayer. This
structure is evident in miles upon miles of surrounding
walls of the valley as well as in the monuments therein.


Before leaving Monument Valley, I'd like to tell
you about one special place in the eastern part of the
valley, Mexican Hat. It's a small town sitting next to
the San Joaquin River, with a short plateau on the
other side of the river. On the other side of the plateau
rises the most unusual mountainside in the world, as
many geologists have declared who have come to
Mexican Hat from all over the world just to see that
mountainside. It rises about 2,000 feet into the sky,
with all of the grandeur of many sedimentary
stratifications, large and small, in evidence. The unique
feature of the whole mountainside is that the
sedimentary layers all bend over down toward the river
as if they were trying to flow into it and disappear.
Thousands and thousands of feet of sedimentary strata
are bent over toward and into the river in this fashion.

This scene is one of the most dramatic I have ever
scen, proving the superviolence that occurs during a
cataclysm. In this case, a huge fissure opened in the
Earth where the San Joaquin River flows now, the
fissure being opened enough to be as a huge jaw
opening to its throat with the molten layer normally
sixty miles beneath. Of course, the molten layer would
tise into the sixty-mile throat, being sixty miles below
that of seething white-hot molten everything beneath.
The sixty-mile thick shell presses down, while also
providing a huge fissurc for that pressure to push the
molten scuff upward into the gaping throat-fissure.


Now we have the most awesome, horrific,
appalling, formidable, terrifying, uncanny, lstraely
violent, paroxismic, cataclysmic collision of the forces
of Nature on the surface of our planet - even beyond
imagination until you see for yourself, right at Mexican
Hat, with the side of that mountain stopped cold in the
midst of its death throcs.

At this point the supcrsonically rampaging oceans
and wind hit the scene. So, we have a superearthquake
so huge as to open a fissure in the whole shell of he
earth, opening a path for the molten layer below to be
pressed upward into the fissure; the molten oder
melting the hard layer beneath that side of t¢ ¢
mountain; the 1,000 mile-per-hour oceanwater
slaughtering the mountainside (having lost its
foundations), driving it down into the huge fissurc and
steaming the molten stuff below into solidity; and the
mountainside stops feeding itself downward into the
maw, while the oceans in their fury pass on, leaving a
huge part of themselves sloshing around and back and
forth in the valley, plus some surviving, beautiful,
picturesque monuments standing today for us to see.

In other parts of the valley, upheavals of
sedimentary strata in huge structures point upward,
with the rock being scorched in a plethora of places.
Church Rock and Agathla reign; each has many scorched
sedimentary boulders scattered around, near its base


I have read geologists’ reports, and have been told
by Wayne, one of the tour guides at Monument Valley
Lodge (one of the nicest places to stay) that he has read
geologists’ reports, all telling of lava flows in Monument
Valley. 1 have spent time through scveral years in
Monument Valley, scarching from one end to the other
and even beyond the valley, for any evidences of lava.
I have never found any cvidence anywhere of even a
suggestion of lava. All I ever could find was scorched
sedimentary rock, which, from a distance, could have
fooled anyone into thinking it was lava rock. | have
seen dark scorched rock in abandoned gold mines
near Pike's Peak, which scorching occurred during a
cataclysm when the heat from the 60-mile molten layer
broke through fissures in the 60-mile thick hard outer
shell of the Earth, scorching the rocks in that shell.

Going back to the oceans of water, mixing with
earth and rocks and laying down layers and sloshing
sublayers of sediment, a good measure of the speed
with which the water must move over the land ig
provided for us by the granite blocks on the eastern
slopes of the Jura Mountains in France. DeLuc Sr.,
Von Buch, DeLuc Jr., and DeSaussure give us much
information through their early geological observations
of the dispersion of the Alpine granite blocks through
the mountains, valleys and lakes of ltaly, Switzerland
ind France. Even Bakewell, through his early dissenting
observations, lends more credence to the fast-moving


water conclusions of the other men because of the
looseness of his arguments.

The great Swiss geologist Escher gave the most
credence to the fast-moving water argument through
his observations, which support the carliest concepts

set forth by J. Andre DeLuc Jr. in the 1820's.

Let us envision the Jura Mountains as if we were
looking down from an airplane. First of all we'd notice
that they are similar to the Allegheny Mountains in
Pennsylvania, for they look like a giant, wrinkled-up
carpet with rolling ridges running from northeast to
southwest; the Swiss-French border follows the same
direction in the middle of the range. You can also see
that the ridges have passes through them here and
there, so thata person on the ground can see northwest
through one ridge to the southeastern slope of the next
ridge in many places.

[t's a well-known fact that the Jura Mountains arc
non-granitic. Whatever granite exists in those
mountains is still buried deep in them; they arc largely
calcareous. However, on the southeastern slopes of the
ridges there are countless granite blocks sitting on the
surface. These blocks, each weighing tons upon tons,
have been traced to the Swiss Alps, across the Swiss
valley to the southeast. If you look several ridges to the
northwest in the Juras, you will find the granite blocks


and Switzerland, 50 to 80 miles across the valley from
Switzerland to where they were deposited on the Juras.

In order for them to be found on the southcastern
slopes of the Juras where they are, a tremendous
upheaval of granite in the lalian-Swiss Alps had to
occur during some cataclysmic violence, followed by
water moving at such fantastic speeds as to sweep the
mighty blocks of granite from 50 to 80 miles across
Switzerland, over the Juras, through the passes and
deposit them in cluscers against the southeastern slopes
of the inner ridges of the Juras.

It fits perfectly with the picture of supernatural
violence uncovered by Prof. Frank C,. Hibben in his
Studics of shredded and dismembered prehistoric
animals in Alaska, buried and quick-frozen in and with
muck, together with twisted, torn, burned and quick-
frozen trees. Hibben states that one neccessary force in
the contributing factors is supersonic winds. The only
Wiy of generating such winds over tremendous areas is
10 move the land in such 4 way as to depart from jeg
fiormal west-to-east daily rotation so the atmosphere,
tontinuing its normal daily rotation, will then be
Moving at supersonic speeds relative to the land over
which it is moving,

Now in the Earth's normal rotation, the oceans
also rotate West to East one revolution per day. When
a cataclysm occurs, the 60-mile thick shell of the Barth
slips in a direction differing from that of its pr
rotation; the atmosphere continues its normal rotationa
direction; and the oceans also refuse to change their
rotational direction. So, the atmosphere and oceans
proceed to move over land masscs which are passing
underneath them in a new direction - some of the
oceans and air moving at supersonic speeds with respect
to the land moving in a different direction undcrneath.
With oceans moving over land masses at such speeds,
it's easy to understand how the huge granite blocks
were moved from the Alps to the Juras while losing
little or no altitude, and how cubic miles of earth can
be picked up, mixed with water and Irommgerizes.
then laid down in an even, flat, independent layer suc
as we find exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon,
Monument Valley and Canyon de Chelly.

Further, we can understand how the irresistibly,
overwhelmingly annihilating force of the waters moving
at utterly unbelievable speeds can, in the blink of a
eye, obliterate entire civilizations and every vestige 0
anything they ever accomplished. Even in our times
there have been occasions when a simple dam's breaki ng
and releasing its waters over a small town below literally
wiped out every splinter of evidence of the town anc
people having been there.


One of the fingerprints which the cataclysmic
giant hand leaves, telling us of this supernatural violence
on the Earth, is the plethora of mammalian teeth of
many, many species found in the sharp demarcation
boundaries between sedimentary layers such as we see
exposed in the Grand Canyon. It bespeaks of animal
life being pulverized, with tceth the only mammalian
substance hard enough to withstand the onslaught.

Some places undergo less violent winds and
inundation, to be sure; and there we find traces of
prehistoric civilizations which had advanced to
achievements we deem impossible for that many years
ago. Let's go back to Tiahuanaco, in South America,
to sce what's there.

The Incas discovered this deserted city at 12,500
feet altitude on the shores of Lake Titicaca, in the
second century A.D. Although they lived in that land
for generations upon gencrations, centuries after
centuries, they left it totally undisturbed. Anyone who
hasbeen on a hunt for gold or treasure in the mountains
«as I have been in New Mexico - knows the Indian
credo: "What is in the mountain belongs to the
mountain.” That means that whatever they find they
do not disturb nor destroy, nor move nor remove.

You can read about it, sce it portrayed in movies,
ot be told about it, but there is nothing like seeing it in
person when gold fever takes over an entire personality.


It's a kind of consummate greed which changes a
veteran outdoorsman to a wild-eyed, scheming,
secretive, intense introvert who could lead himsclf and
others to destruction and death through his greed.

I have scen it.

Tiahuanaco was found by Pizarro and his band of
plunderers in the 1520's. The gold fever had evidently
taken over his entire expedition of 13 to 16 men, for
they proceeded to vandalize almost everything insight.
They smashed thousands of statues searching for gold.
There were huge silver bolts of up to several tons each,
passing through massive stone monoliths. You guessed
it: they broke up the monoliths in order to obtain the

silver bolts.

There was one member of the early discoverers, a
Spanish priest, Diego dc Alcabaso, who wrote down

what he saw:

"I saw a vast hall carved on its roof to represent
thatch. There were the waters of a lake which washed
the walls of a splendid court in this city of the dead,
and, standing in its fine court, in the shallows of the
water, on the platform of a superb colonnade werc
many fine statues of men and women. So real they were
that they seemed to be alive. Some had goblets and
upraised drinking-cups. Others sat, or reclined, as in
life. Some walked in the stream flowing by the ancient

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